In the realms of grasses, the majority of cultivated Calamagrostis produce a strong upright vertical, unlike most others. Suitable for the dry garden or in a border to contrast against the more rounded outlines. Flower spikes tend to be equally narrow, but en-masse still provide a good effect. The popular hybrid C. x acutiflora occurs naturally (but rarely) in the wild, from C. epigejos and C. arundinacea. One of the main bonuses for the gardener is that it rarely produces fertile seed, unlike its prolific self seeding parents. C. brachytricha has a more bottlebrush-like flower heads, which looks stunning in a sunlight beam.
Although deciduous, many will hold their shape over winter, but even if the leaves die off, the tussock structure gives shelter for overwintering beneficial insects such as ladybirds. Although seeds are small, they are produced abundantly in fertile forms and may attract twinkling, tinkling bands of goldfinches in late summer.